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굿모닝팝스 22년 4월 1일 금요일 April Fools' Day <Sweden 여행> Clean air is a given here / That'll be the day 그럴 리가 없어

by 천천히 한걸음씩~ 2022. 4. 27.


You never know what worse luck your bad luck has saved you from.

당신의 나쁜 운이, 훨씬 더 나쁜 운을 막아줬을지도 모른다. / Cormac McCarthy

<Friday News Pick>

Why do we prank each other on April Fools' Day?

The origins of April Fool's Day are rather more murky than the day itself.

According to the experts at the Museum of Hoaxes, which was established in 1997

to explore "deception, mischief, and misinformation",

there's no clear-cut or specific origin of the day. But theories abound.

The origins of April Fool's Day 만우절의 기원은

are rather more murky than the day itself. 그 날에 비해서 그리 알려져 있지는 않습니다

According to the experts at the Museum of Hoaxes,

허풍 박물관(미국 웹사이트)의 전문가들에 따르면

which was established in 1997 / 1997년에 세워진...

to explore "deception, mischief, and misinformation",

속임수, 장난, 그릇된 정보를 밝혀내기 위해...

there's no clear-cut or specific origin of the day.

분명하고 구체적인 만우절의 기원은 없습니다.

But theories abound. 하지만 여러 가설들은 존재합니다

<GO GO 방구석 여행>

Sweden 여행

For the outdoorsy traveler Sweden is hard to beat. Crystal clear air and water are a given,

while the unspoiled forests, too-many-to-count islands along its coasts and majestic lakes

will leave you stupefied. Getting around is a piece of cake thanks to its brilliant roads and public transport,

and Swedes are famed for being friendly and helpful. Ancient towns and Viking invaders sit

next to opulent palaces and royal dynasties in its history so you won't be bored for a second.

The immeasurably grand Arctic landscapes will also take your breath away and

the Ice Hotel is undoubtedly a once-in-a-lifetime experience.



outdoorsy 야외 생활을 좋아하는

majestic 장엄한, 위풍당당한

stupefied 얼이빠진

야외활동을 좋아하는 여행자들에게 딱인 곳인 Sweden. 자연은 말할 것도 없고 섬들도 많다

도로상황도 아주 좋고 대중교통도 편하다 보니까 여행 다니기가 수월하다.

Sweden 사람들은 친절하고 호의적이며 호화로운 궁궐들 옆에 Ancient towns and Viking invaders 있다

역사적으로. 헤아릴 수 없을 정도로 웅장한 Arctic landscapes도 볼 수 있고 Ice Hotel도 있다

유용한 표현

A: Do I need to wear a mask for pollution?


B: Clean air is a given here, so no. But it is recommended because of COVID.

<Quiz Day>

문제: "That'll be the day." 이 문장의 뜻은 과연, 무엇일까요?

정답: 2번) 그럴 리가 없어



